Watch Waiting for Superman Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : Waiting for Superman
Release Date : Sep 24, 2010 Limited
Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : PG

Actors :Geoffrey Canada,George Reeves

Every morning, in big cities, suburbs and small towns across America, parents send their children off to school with the highest of hopes. But a shocking number of students in the United States attend schools where they have virtually no chance of learning--failure factories likelier to produce drop-outs than college graduates. And despite decades of well-intended reforms and huge sums of money spent on the problem, our public schools haven't improved markedly since the 1970s. Why? There is an answer. And it's not what you think. From "An Inconvenient Truth" director Davis Guggenheim comes "Waiting for 'Superman'", a provocative and cogent examination of the crisis of public education in the United States told through multiple interlocking stories--from a handful of students and their families whose futures hang in the balance, to the educators and reformers trying to find real and lasting solutions within a dysfunctional system. Tackling such politically radioactive topics as the power of teachers' unions and the entrenchment of school bureaucracies, Guggenheim reveals the invisible forces that have held true education reform back for decades. --7copy; Paramount
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New Visitor Ranting & Critics For Waiting for Superman

User Ranting Movie Waiting for Superman : 4
User Percentage For Waiting for Superman : 83 %
User Count Like for Waiting for Superman : 17,006

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New Review For Movie Waiting for Superman

Davis easily ties a sick education system to a sick society. But when it comes down to it, in the end he has no clear cure for what ails us. At the very least, though, he has exposed the disease for all to see.
Tom Long-Detroit News

Your heart goes out to all these kids, but Guggenheim's take on education stacks the deck against them even further by implying that only charters offer a ray of hope. Would that it were that simple.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

An admirable exercise in straight talk, especially in its tough assessment of the mediocrity-enforcing teachers' unions.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader

By focusing on these five kids and their hopeful families, Waiting for Superman puts a human face on a crisis worthy of a superhero.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

We need another movie, one that shows us why some charter schools work and others dont.
David Denby-New Yorker

You leave the film convinced that radical change is necessary but uncomfortable with the closing voice-over that assures you how simple it will be to implement it.
Dana Stevens-Slate

More overwhelming than uplifting, and you can't help but feel this is a rich outsider looking in, and down on, public schools.
Roger Moore-Movie Nation

Intelligent and thought-provoking, "Waiting for Superman" may not be one of the best movies of the year but it's surely one of the most important ones.
John Hanlon-Big Hollywood

Waiting For Superman is at times powerful, often tragic and -- at the very end -- incredibly moving.
Simon Reynolds-Digital Spy

Like all topical documentaries with a worthy approach, it encourages awareness and debate about yet another inconvenient truth.
Dan Gear-Moviedex

It's still a vital topic for discussion and worth seeing if only because it organizes a few focal points for ongoing public debate.

It's possible that one of the reasons why the film wasn't nominated for a best-documentary Oscar was because it was too horrifying.
Jim Schembri-The Age (Australia)

The superhero metaphor enables some synergistic retro TV series footage but it doesn't quite suit the argument.

I'm sure some will disagree with the points that Davis Guggenheim is making. That's to be expected but it will help generate a badly needed debate on this subject matter.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

I wish Guggenheim had - as he did in The First Year - stepped back, followed these families, and let their stories speak for themselves...Still ... the raw materials are there, and it would take a heart of stone to not sympathise with the subjects.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

While there are gaps left uncanvassed, this remains an absorbing exploration of a crucial issue which not only exposes problems, but offers answers.
Annette Basile-FILMINK (Australia)

Just as he passionately got stuck into Al Gore's global warming theories in An Inconvenient Truth, Davis Guggenheim explores the US school system in an expose of its appalling inadequacies... an excellent and sobering documentary
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

Waiting for "Superman" is essential viewing. It's as simple as that...Most importantly, it is impossible not to be touched, nay, radicalised by this devastatingly inconvenient truth.
Alice Tynan-Concrete Playground

... a close look at the current (US education) system is all it takes to consider making a real change.
Kevin A.

The audience of the public school system documentary Waiting for "Superman" is either supposed to get depressed into action, enraged into action, or overwhelmed into inaction

I'd suggest watching the movie just to be able to get a picture of what's going on in your head, and then following up with further research afterwards.
Jeffrey Chen-Window to the Movies

'Waiting for Superman' is an important yet definitely flawed discourse on the current courses America's public educational system is taking, making, faking and breaking.
John Esther-UR Chicago Magazine

Has the power to surprise, enrage, and even delight the most cynical of educators and education bashers.
Bruce Bennett-Spectrum (St. George, Utah)

There I sat, alone in the theater, watching what may very well be the most important movie of the year, if not the decade. To say that the documentary 'Waiting for Superman' has played to a small audience is an exercise in understatement.
Linda Cook-KWQC-TV (Iowa)

While it may not be comprehensive in its approach, it is powerful enough to get all but the most apathetic people stirred up enough to do something.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope

Guggenheim painted a similarly apocalyptic tale of the future in An Inconvenient Truth; once again, he shows a knack for presenting otherwise dry facts and figures in both a simple and dramatic way, combining them with heart- rending human stories.
Tony Horkins-Total Film

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Movie Overview For Waiting for Superman
Gripping, heartbreaking, and ultimately hopeful, Waiting for Superman is an impassioned indictment of the American school system from An Inconvenient Truth director Davis Guggenheim.


TagLine Waiting for Superman The fate of our country won't be decided on a battlefield, it will be determined in a classroom.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

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