Watch Exit Through The Gift Shop Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : Exit Through The Gift Shop
Release Date : Apr 16, 2010 Wide
Genre Movie :Documentary,Musical & Performing Arts,Comedy,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : R

Actors :Banksy,Rhys Ifans,Thierry Guetta,Space Invader,Shepard Fairey

Exit Through the Gift Shop marks the feature-film debut of notorious street artist Banksy. The documentary's focus is French-born L.A. thrift-shop owner Thierry Guetta, whose apparent compulsion to videotape every moment of his life led him to document the phenomenon of contemporary street art. Guetta's cousin, a street artist known as Space Invader, allowed the avid cameraman to tape him as he illegally spread his artwork, and Space Invader also introduced him to other street artists, whose work Guetta captured on tape. Eventually, Guetta hooked up with Shepard Fairey, who was best known (before he created an iconic Barack Obama campaign poster) for his widespread stickers featuring an image of the late wrestler Andre the Giant over the word "OBEY." Guetta soon hears about the mysterious street artist/prankster Banksy, and becomes obsessed with finding him and videotaping his exploits. Thanks to Guettta's growing reputation among street artists, the two eventually meet and form a sort of partnership. Guetta even videotapes Banksy's infamous "Gitmo" prank at Disneyland, wherein a handcuffed, hooded figure in an orange jumpsuit is placed beside one of the rides. They get along quite well until Banksy suggests that Guetta stop shooting, take the countless hours of footage he's accumulated, and start assembling them into a documentary. Banksy eventually takes over the documentary project, and inadvertently pushes Guetta's creative energy in a new direction, as Guetta becomes a kind of street artist himself, with shocking results. Exit Through the Gift Shop, narrated by Rhys Ifans, had its world premiere at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. While it was very well received, there was much speculation as to the documentary's veracity and the provenance of Guetta, his videotape, and his artwork. Given Banksy's reputation, that should not come as a surprise. ~ Josh Ralske, Rovi
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User Ranting Movie Exit Through The Gift Shop : 4.2
User Percentage For Exit Through The Gift Shop : 91 %
User Count Like for Exit Through The Gift Shop : 21,154

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New Review For Movie Exit Through The Gift Shop

The plain fact is that, on some level, it doesn't matter whether the film is true or not. Either way, it's fascinating. Either way, we learn a lot. Either way, it's a great film.
Richard Nilsen-Arizona Republic

A provocative and absorbing exploration of what constitutes art, the creative process and the power of hype to triumph over talent.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

Hoax or not, Exit Through the Gift Shop ends up energizing, aggravating, enjoyable and revealing. Is it art or isn't it? Who knows? Apparently no one.
Tom Long-Detroit News

Put-on, satire, mockumentary, goof? Whatever it is, "Exit Through the Gift Shop" is an original.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

Like Banksy's best street work, it pushes and prods our gullibility buttons and sends the mind swirling with questions of artistic authenticity and intent.
Chris Vognar-Dallas Morning News

Exit Through the Gift Shop offers an absorbing glimpse of a bracingly subversive slice of the culture, as well as some tantalizing images of Banksy at work.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

Banksy exposes the con-job that is modern art for what it is.
Roger Moore-Movie Nation

Whatever your view of Britain's most famous street artist, prepare to be teased, provoked and possibly enraged by the release of his first movie.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

Just as clever as the work of Sasha Baron Cohen, but not nearly as culturally worthwhile because it is not nearly as politically candid.
Dan Jardine-Cinemania

An irritatingly misguided and pointless piece of work...
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

Too ironic by half, this film is hobbled most of all by principal Thierry Guetta, that I find insufferably banal. As a satire on a market-driven art world, it is fairly toothless. Why it has garnered rave reviews is the biggest puzzle of all.

Energetic, exciting, entertaining, and at times illegal, Exit Through The Gift Shop is a wicked treat.
Drew McWeeny-HitFix

Those tricky questions that lie in the chasm between art and commerce are raised naturally through the progression of the narrative, whether that narrative is partially fabricated or not.

Curious docu about street artists with some strong language.
S. Jhoanna Robledo-Common Sense Media

Since virtually anything can be considered art, the term has become virtually meaningless. This documentary proves it.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope

The behind-the-scenes insight into the techniques of illegal street art is fascinating, as is the art-market critique..
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Illustrates how our insistence and abilities in judging and evaluating art are often arbitrary, contradictory, and idiotic.
Jeffrey Chen-ReelTalk Movie Reviews

It's funny, playful, and intriguing in a way that makes me want to see it again.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Combustible Celluloid

After all those debates about the meaning of art ... [who] would have thought that the best and most incisive comments on the argument would have come from street-punk Banksy?
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

Regardless of its motives, Gift Shop is a superb work, one that demands the audience ask questions that don't always go down easily...
Justin Strout-Orlando Weekly

A strange oxymoron of a film, like a straight-faced Spinal Tap or a Man On Wire for liars.

The street artist known as Banksy is witty, he's smart, he's subversive -- and he's compelling. So it stands to reason that the street-art doc he ostensibly hijacked would be all those things, too.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

Confused yet? Good. Banksy probably wants you exactly that way.
Kevin Kelly-Cinematical

Exit Through the Gift Shop is a film that needs to be seen to be disbelieved.
Alice Tynan-Concrete Playground

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Movie Overview For Exit Through The Gift Shop
Banksy is a graffiti artist with a global reputation whose work can be seen on walls from post-hurricane New Orleans to the separation barrier on the Palestinian West Bank. Fiercely guarding his anonymity to avoid prosecution, Banksy has so far resisted all attempts to be captured on film. Exit Through the Gift Shop tells the incredible true story of how an eccentric French shop keeper turned documentary maker attempted to locate and befriend Banksy, only to have the artist turn the camera back on its owner.


TagLine Exit Through The Gift Shop The world's first Street Art disaster movie
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