Watch Hubble 3D Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : Hubble 3D
Release Date : Mar 19, 2010 Wide
Genre Movie :Documentary,Drama
Mpaa Rating : G

Actors :Leonardo DiCaprio,Scott D. Altman,Gregory C. Johnson,Dr. Michael J. Massimino,Dr. K. Megan McArthur,Dr. Andrew J. Feustel,Michael T. Good,Michael J. Massimino,K. Megan McArthur,Andrew J. Feustel,John M. Grunsfeld

The filmmakers who brought you aboard the Space Station 3D invite you to follow the Hubble Space Telescope on its mission to explore the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Follow astronauts up into space as they strive to get the powerful telescope prepared for a fantastic journey of discovery. Witness the birth of a star, and experience the awesome power of a supernova in stunning IMAX 3-D. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi G
You can watching Hubble 3D Full Movie Online From HERE

New Visitor Ranting & Critics For Hubble 3D

User Ranting Movie Hubble 3D : 4.1
User Percentage For Hubble 3D : 85 %
User Count Like for Hubble 3D : 4,718

You can watching Hubble 3D Full Movie Online From HERE

Some New Trailer For Hubble 3D


New Review For Movie Hubble 3D

A zero-gravity repair job doesn't sound like a thrilling cinematic spectacle, but this 43-minute film is utterly gripping.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

A movie like this can get you thinking.
Roger Ebert-Chicago Sun-Times

I've been to two launches, Apollo 11 and Apollo 12, and Hubble 3D is the first film I've seen -- and felt -- that does more than hint at the skeleton-rattling power of those stupendous rockets.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal

Dazzling to look at of course. But such ponderous, cliché-heavy narration.
Neil Genzlinger-New York Times

Contains some of the most spectacular 3-D footage I've ever seen...
Lou Lumenick-New York Post

The daring mission by astronauts to repair and upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope in May 2009 is the perfect subject for a brilliant, thrilling 3-D Imax movie. Such a movie, alas, has yet to be made.
Joel Achenbach-Washington Post

A uniquely thrilling virtual trip that one is unlikely to get to experience first hand--in this lifetime, at least.

Hubble provides a vivid, breathtaking look at our solar system like never before. And it leaves us pondering not just science, but faith.
R. L. Shaffer-IGN DVD

Too brief an exposure to the accomplishments of Hubble-enabled astronomy--but everyone should see it, nonetheless.
Jules Brenner-Cinema Signals

A wonderful film for anyone who still has a passion for watching the skies and wondering what's out there.
Mike McGranaghan-Aisle Seat

This is so jaw-dropping in terms of both content and quality that you won't want to miss a single second by blinking.
Graham Young-Birmingham Post

Awesome spectacle in outer space; pity about Leo's narration.

Space lands on Earth in 3-D glory in this kid-friendly docu.
S. Jhoanna Robledo-Common Sense Media

After becoming blasé about CGI effects in movies that pretend to take us into other galaxies far far away, we know this is for real
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

Star gazing with Leonardo DiCaprio is an awesome out of this world experience. On the giant Imax screen in breathtaking 3D, this is probably the closest you or I will ever come to space travel
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

Hubble 3D doesn't weigh in heavily on theories of Big Bangs, evolution, or creation. Instead, it lets the visual data speak for itself.
Russ Breimeier-Christianity Today

... a truly amazing trip ...
Jim Lane-Sacramento News & Review

What sent me over the boohooing edge was an overpoweringly beautiful shot of the astronauts at work with Hawaii 325 miles behind them, shimmering in the blue, blue Pacific.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press

This, then, is how a star is born.
Linda Cook-Quad City Times (Davenport, IA)

Follows seven astronauts on a mission to repair Hubble telescope, and if you don't find the ride absolutely thrilling, you lack imagination!

Hubble is a wonderful machine, and this is a phenomenal movie.
Gary Wolcott-Tri-City Herald

In the end, Hubble is exactly what we watch IMAX for.
Jim Slotek-Jam! Movies

...there are sights here to awe adult as well as child.
Daniel Eagan-Film Journal International

New Movie Images Hubble 3D

Hubble Watch Watch
Movie Overview For Hubble 3D
An IMAX 3D camera chronicles the effort of 7 astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.


TagLine Hubble 3D Change your view of our universe.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013

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