Watch Kisses Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : Kisses
Release Date : Jul 16, 2010 Wide
Genre Movie :Drama,Romance,Art House & International
Mpaa Rating : Unrated

Actors :Kelly O'Neill,Shane Curry,Paul Roe,Neili Conroy,David Bendito,Roy Dempsey,Aaron Courtney,Cathy Malone,Stephanie Kelly,Maria De Bri,Niall Martin,Michael Hunt,Shauna Kelly,Krista Greene,Shannon Lysaght,Sean McDonagh,Hilda Fay,Willie Higgins,Neili Conro,Elizabeth Fuh

A pair of young runaways find both beauty and danger in the big city in an evocative drama from writer and director Lance Daly. Dylan (Shane Curry) is an 11-year-old boy growing up with an alcoholic father who often uses his children as punching bags. One day, Dylan decides he can take no more, and he makes plans to run away from home. His close friend Kylie (Kelly O'Neill), a girl of ten living next door, is also the product of an abusive family, and when she learns that Dylan is leaving home, she steals a wad of cash from her family and joins him. Making their way out of town on a barge driven by a sympathetic sailor with a yen for music, Dylan and Kylie end up in Dublin just as the Christmas season is going into full swing. The two friends explore the city, which seems magical even at its shabbiest. But while Dublin seems like a paradise of lights and magic by day, they learn that the city's sinister side comes into focus after the sun goes down. Kisses also stars Stephen Rea and Paul Roe. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi
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New Visitor Ranting & Critics For Kisses

User Ranting Movie Kisses : 3.7
User Percentage For Kisses : 77 %
User Count Like for Kisses : 1,341

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New Review For Movie Kisses

A coming-of-age drama so Irish you'll want to take out your Pogues' lyric sheets beforehand to brush up on Gaelic mumbling.
Stephen Cole-Globe and Mail

What the writer and director, Lance Daly, means as some kind of transporting urban adventure for them is a disenchanting slog for us.
Wesley Morris-Boston Globe

It's arresting.
Amy Biancolli-Houston Chronicle

A marginally sweet movie about two woebegone Irish kids.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

Rewarding tale of two kids loose on Dublin's mean streets with outstanding performances.
Ray Bennett-Hollywood Reporter

Terrific non-pro actors Kelly O'Neill (Kylie) and Shane Curry (Dylan) are the backbone of the film, directed by Lance Daly, who says as a kid he thought of running away.
V.A. Musetto-New York Post

It's exciting, sweet, gritty and generally just a joy to watch.
Mike Edwards-What Culture

There are undoubtedly more dark days ahead for Kylie and Dylan, but in Kisses, we see the beginning of character forged by circumstance.
Jim Slotek-Jam! Movies

In writer-director Lance Daly?s lens, downtown Dublin is like a modern-day Oz ? and the movie even starts by showing the kids? dreary home life in black-and-white, slowly moving to full color.
Sean Means-Salt Lake Tribune

Sincere and vulnerable, aching with youthful insight
Jeff Meyers-Metro Times (Detroit, MI)

Cute but foul-mouthed, tough but vulnerable and obviously crazy about each other in a reticent way, these kids are a wonderful presence, giving the most contrived scenes genuine emotion and a veneer of realness.
Stan Hall-Oregonian

A darkling, modern-day fairy tale and lyrical coming-of-age story, Irish filmmaker Lance Daly's 2008 film "Kisses" is a small gem.
James Verniere-Boston Herald

When it's not trite, Kisses can be refreshing in its realism.
Zak Jason-Boston Phoenix

Lance Daly's Ireland is not the scenic Irish wonderland of Ondine.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

A blend of gritty realism sand magical fantasy that's undoubtedly calculated but still deeply satisfying.
Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion

Dorothy parachutes into Dublin in search of the Wizard but there is no place like home.
Ron Wilkinson-Monsters and Critics

Exquisitely-shot and deeply affecting with just the right balance of humor, sweetness and grittiness. Newcomers Kelly O'Neill and Shane Curry shine in raw, heartfelt and charismatic performances.
Avi Offer-NYC Movie Guru

A Xmas where neverending nightmares instead of sugarplums dance in children's heads
Kam Williams-NewsBlaze

There's nothing so frustrating as a small movie, made by a clearly gifted filmmaker, that flies close to magic only to be sternly jerked back to earth.
Stephanie Zacharek-Movieline

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Movie Overview For Kisses
Two kids, Dylan and Kylie, run away from home at Christmas and spend a night of magic and terror on the streets of inner-city Dublin.


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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

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