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Movie Title : The Town
Release Date : Sep 17, 2010 Wide
Genre Movie :Drama,Action & Adventure,Romance,Mystery & Suspense
Mpaa Rating : R

Actors :Ben Affleck,Rebecca Hall,Jon Hamm,Jeremy Renner,Blake Lively,Slaine Jenkins,Owen Burke,Titus Welliver,Pete Postlethwaite,Chris Cooper,Dennis McLaughlin,Corena Chase,Brian Scannell,Kerri Dunbar,Tony V.,Isaac Bordoy,Michael Yebba,Daniel Woods,Jimmy Joe Maher,Mark Berglund

Boston bank robber Doug MacRay (Ben Affleck) falls for a woman his gang had previously taken hostage after feigning a chance meeting with her to ensure that she can't identify them in Affleck's adaptation of author Chuck Hogan's novel Prince of Thieves. The son of a tough Charlestown, MA thief, Doug passed on his chance to walk the straight and narrow in favor of becoming a career bank robber. Not only is Doug's crew one of the most ruthless in Boston, but they're also one of the best; they never leave a trace of evidence, and always make a clean break. Over the years, Doug's fearless partners in crime have become something of a surrogate family to him; Jem (Jeremy Renner), the most dangerous of the bunch, is the closest thing Doug has ever had to a brother. But a divide begins to open between the two career criminals when Jem takes bank manager Claire Keesey (Rebecca Hall) hostage during a particularly tense heist, and the group subsequently discovers that she hails from their own tight-knit suburb. When Jem proposes that the gang make an effort to find out just how much Claire recalls about the crime, Doug fears that his volatile partner may do more harm than good and volunteers himself for the job. Later, Doug turns on the charm while pretending to bump into Claire by chance, and becomes convinced that she doesn't suspect him of being the same man who just robbed her bank. As the feds turn up the heat on the gang, Doug finds himself falling for Claire, and searching desperately for a means of cutting his ties to his criminal past. But with each passing day, Jem grows increasingly suspicious of Doug's true motivations. Now caught between two worlds with no chance of turning back, Doug realizes that his only hope for finding a happy future is to betray the only family he's ever known. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
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User Ranting Movie The Town : 3.9
User Percentage For The Town : 83 %
User Count Like for The Town : 110,251

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Affleck, often underrated as an actor, fits effortlessly into this milieu.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

Feels all but indistinguishable from the thousands of similar films that have blazed a trail before it.
David Jenkins-Time Out

As a director, Affleck now has two home runs in two at-bats. This is one of the best movies of the year.
Richard Roeper-Richard

An autopsy for The Town would list multiple causes of death.
Dana Stevens-Slate

Affleck's direction is clipped when the plot requires, but he lingers on character-driven scenes (at a garden, a restaurant, a corner) in no apparent rush. Why hurry, after all? He's arrived.
Amy Biancolli-Houston Chronicle

Essential viewing for connoisseurs of dropped r's, close-cropped hair and aerial views of the city that used to call itself the hub of the universe.
A.O. Scott-New York Times

One of the great modern heist pictures.
Roger Moore-Movie Nation

Action can be difficult for someone not experienced with it. Yet, Affleck shows that he's more than up to the task.

'The Town' hits not one false note, despite a plot that easily could have come across as contrived.
Greg Maki-Star-Democrat (Easton, MD)

Because this all revolves around Affleck, The Town is a curiosity; directed by him under another name and it would be forgettable.
Josh Larsen-LarsenOnFilm

Ben Affleck may not be his generation's best actor, but he is quickly becoming one of its best directors.
Wesley Lovell-Cinema Sight

If it just stuck to its guns The Town would be a fun, engaging heist film, but by reaching for more it ends up achieving less.

The Town isn't original in any sense of the word, but Affleck does a marvelous job executing all of the pieces and is easily one of the best films of 2010.
Michelle Alexandria-Eclipse Magazine

A grade A crime thriller.
Felix Vasquez Jr.-Cinema Crazed

One of those rare cases that the previews are actually as good as the movie.

A film can only be as riveting as its ability to have the audience believe or suspend belief, and though The Town takes steps toward authenticity, it fails to meet even the basic requirements of plausibility.

A crime thriller that is good more of the time than it's not, but suffers from the fact it should've been great.

A solid crime drama, with shades of Michael Mann's Heat, but a sluggish pace and meandering middle drag things down a little.
R. L. Shaffer-IGN DVD

... a well-tooled thriller with a tough edge and an impressive professionalism.

The movie's thrills are old-fashioned and assured.
Jeffrey Chen-Window to the Movies

Despite its gritty feel and appearance, it's a romantic heist picture at heart.
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis

The cast is uniformly game, restrained, earthy, and will probably prove superior to at least half of those nominated for Oscars next year.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

full review at Movies for the Masses
Joseph Proimakis-Movies for the Masses

Ben Affleck has matured as an actor and serves up what is arguably his best performance to date.
Tyler Hanley-Palo Alto Weekly

...the familiarity of the storyline is rarely as problematic as one might've anticipated...
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

En comparación con su primer largo como director, este segundo intento de Ben Affleck pierde puntos no porque sea una mala película, sino porque es una película más.
Enrique Buchichio-Uruguay Total

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Watch True Grit Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : True Grit
Release Date : Dec 22, 2010 Wide
Genre Movie :Western,Drama,Action & Adventure
Mpaa Rating : PG-13

Actors :Jeff Bridges,Josh Brolin,Matt Damon,Hailee Steinfeld,Barry Pepper,Bruce Green,Dakin Matthews,Elizabeth Marvel,Domhnall Gleeson,Paul Rae,Leon Russom,Jarleth Conroy,Roy Lee Jones,Ed Lee Corbin,Candyce Hinkle,Peter Leung,Don Pirl,Joe Stevens,David Lipman,Jake Walker

Fourteen-year-old Mattie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld) joins an aging U.S. marshal (Jeff Bridges) and another lawman (Matt Damon) in tracking her father's killer into hostile Indian territory in Joel and Ethan Coen's adaptation of Charles Portis' original novel. Sticking more closely to the source material than the 1969 feature adaptation starring Western icon John Wayne, the Coens' True Grit tells the story from the young girl's perspective, and re-teams the celebrated filmmaking duo with their No Country for Old Men producing partner Scott Rudin. Josh Brolin and Barry Pepper co-star. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
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User Ranting Movie True Grit : 4.1
User Percentage For True Grit : 86 %
User Count Like for True Grit : 108,965

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New Review For Movie True Grit

It could be the Coens' most straightforward film, but it's also one of their best.
Dave Calhoun-Time Out

The tense verbal comedy of Mattie's early negotiation with a Fort Smith merchant should win you over to this movie's high linguistic wit.
Richard Corliss-TIME Magazine

Nothing very startling happens, but the Coens have a sure hand, and Bridges, in the old John Wayne role, plays a man, not a myth; you can sense Rooster's stink and his nasty intelligence, too.
David Denby-New Yorker

The real reason to see the film is the work of the Coens' regular collaborators, cinematographer Roger Deakins and composer Carter Burwell, who supply the visual and auditory landscapes that are True Grit's most notable achievement.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

Joel Coen and Ethan Coen fill the film with self-conscious good humor-hey, it's the Coen brothers-and the charmingly old-fashioned locutions of the Charles Portis novel.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal

A great film that will stand the test of time.

Duke has been usurped by the Dude, and I couldn't be more thrilled by the experience of watching one of our finest actors take a role as iconic as Rooster Cogburn and indisputably make it his own.
Al Alexander-The Patriot Ledger

It may not rank among the Coen Brothers' greatest works, but their new adaptation of the Portis novel is intriguing to watch, beautifully filmed, and well worth taking a look at for the fascinating characters.

True Grit is as close to Disney as the Coens get. And go figure, this time out, it is meant as a compliment.
Dan Jardine-Cinemania

Non-gritty update a step up from John Wayne and Glen Campbell
Marty Mapes-Movie Habit

... The best of both worlds: a classic Western and classic Coen brothers.
Greg Maki-Star-Democrat (Easton, MD)

...a traditional Western that's been augmented with a number of irresistibly off-kilter elements.
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

Not as out-there as Lebowski, as bleak as No Country, or as twisted as Fargo, but it crackles, like a good campfire, with colorful Coen flourishes all the same.
Neil Pond-American Profile

Either I'm softening on the Coens or they are softening themselves. Not as darkly comic as their prior films, this western is easily one of their better films.
Wesley Lovell-Cinema Sight

The dialogue zings with period flourish and point-blank delivery.
Stella Papamichael-Digital Spy

Jeff Bridges is rough and rowdy marshal Ruben "Rooster" Cogburn, and manages to put his own stamp on the role made famous in 1969 by John Wayne. It's no surprise that he knows how to bring a wide palette of colors to this character, and he seems to be...
Leonard Maltin-Leonard Maltin's Picks

The title refers to the trait Mattie needs in her avenger, though the film sympathizes with the criminal outcasts.
Matthew Sorrento-IdentityTheory

... the most accessible and successful (financially speaking) film of their career.

This True Grit is timeless.
Rob Humanick-Slant Magazine

The new movie really is quite different from the older one, and in almost every way an improvement.
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis

A marvelous film. The highlight is the performance of Hailee Steinfeld as the young heroine, Mattie Ross, but also boasting strong turns by Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon.
Rich Heldenfels-Akron Beacon Journal

The brothers' fidelity to Portis' novel not only honors a great literary achievement but also makes for a narrative with fascinating interruptions, digressions and enigmatic encounters...
Richard T. Jameson-Parallax View

This isn't the deepest Western or the most thoughtful Coen brothers film, but dang if it isn't a good time.
Eric D.

There's a first time for everything and, finally, now there's a Coen Brothers movie that you can watch alongside your parents without them complaining that it's too weird.

Does Damon spend the whole movie doing his Matthew McConaughey impression? Yeah. If you've seen the bit in question, it's actually kind of distracting.
Pete Vonder Haar-Houston Press

Más que una remake, una readaptación de la novela original hecha con mayor fidelidad. En sus mejores momentos (y Temple de Acero tiene varios buenos momentos) los Coen siguen demostrando por qué son dos de los más brillantes cineastas de la actualidad.
Enrique Buchichio-Uruguay Total

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Watch Four Lions Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : Four Lions
Release Date : Nov 5, 2010 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama,Comedy
Mpaa Rating : R

Actors :Rizwan Ahmed,Arsher Ali,Nigel Lindsay,Kayvan Novak,Adeel Akhtar,Benedict Cumberbatch,Julia Davis,Craig Parkinson,Preeya Kalidas,Wasim Zakir,Mohammad Aqil

A handful of young men set out to take on the decadent West but are more of a threat to themselves than anyone else in this black comedy from director Chris Morris. Omar (Riz Ahmed) is a devout Muslim living in the United Kingdom who has decided to form a terrorist cell to bring forth a jihad against a culture he believes is dominated by the sinful and ignorant. However, Omar isn't much of leader, and he's assembled an unimpressive team of fellow terrorists, among them Waj (Kayvan Novak), who lacks the brainpower to come up with ideas or direction on his own; Faisal (Adeel Akhtar), who is shy and doesn't have much to say; and Barry (Nigel Lindsay), a recent convert to Islam who tries to make up for his lack of practical knowledge with fierce passion. As Omar and his comrades debate both doctrine and methods, they ponder such notions as using birds as explosive devices, creating video communiqués with a hip-hop flavor, and attacking mosques in an effort to provoke nonviolent Muslims. But are Omar and his partners a legitimate threat to the safety of Great Britain, or just four half-bright twentysomethings with more bluster than imagination? Four Lions received its world premiere at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi
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User Ranting Movie Four Lions : 3.8
User Percentage For Four Lions : 78 %
User Count Like for Four Lions : 21,303

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[Morris's] new comedy has a provocative, ticklish premise -- five North England Muslims become suicide bombers, but can't decide who or what to take with them.
Stephen Cole-Globe and Mail

It's difficult to imagine a movie this boldly provocative about the underworld of violent jihad, much less one that actually inspires laughter.
Peter Howell-Toronto Star

The first feature, written and directed by satirist Chris Morris, may seem profane to some, but if you're doomed by watching it, at least you'll go down laughing.
Tom Long-Detroit News

A dark farce sitting somewhere between "Dr. Strangelove" and "Duck Soup." It will blow you away.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

The film wisely doesn't try to explore the roots of religious fanaticism and how it can manifest as murder: Instead, it simply accepts the world as it is and focuses on the ridiculous.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

Four Lions is more interesting than riotous. Consider it an example - a well-paced, clever and understated compassionate example - of a filmmaker wrestling with fear.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

It is like the old joke about a dog that walks on its hind legs. It doesn't matter that it's not done perfectly; it's just a wonder that it's done at all.
Will Leitch-Deadspin

Home-grown jihadists as wankers. How very British.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

... A welcome antidote to cultural hysteria.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

Writer-director Chris Morris walks that razor-fine line separating comedy and tragedy by mocking terrorists without mocking the horrors of terrorism itself.

Four Lions doesn't always reach satirical perfection, but it comes fairly close.
R. L. Shaffer-IGN DVD

[It is] a biting, laugh-out-loud funny satire that dares to poke fun at Jihadi terrorists and one of the blackest, funniest comedies in recent memory.

Four Lions is merciless in its mission to find humor where few would dare seek it.
Mark Pfeiffer-Reel Times: Reflections on Cinema

The comedy is as black as can be, both silly and sharp ... It just doesn't quite succeed in its Dr. Strangelove-inspired goal.
Jeffrey Chen-Window to the Movies

Is it insensitive? Jaw-droppingly so. But it's also tremendously funny, and after years of achingly serious movies about the War on Terror, it can't help but feel cathartic to unleash a few belly laughs at the whole mess.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)

The amount of edge to this edgy comedy and Morris's chutzpah for demanding that the film's tone and its uneasy ending remain intact throughout the film's financing.
Frank Wilkins-Frank's Reel Reviews

If the things we fear most are the best fodder for black comedy (think Dr. Strangelove) then Four Lions, a veritable Three Stooges-esque comedy about Westernized jihadis, is on fertile soil indeed.
Jim Slotek-Jam! Movies

Chris Morris's jet-black farce maintains a queasy balance between character-based comedy and incisive political commentary for its entire running time.
Norman Wilner-NOW Toronto

The overall result is decidedly uneven: there's most certainly something for everyone but the lack of an overarching vision is readily apparent.
S. James Wegg-JWR

There are definitely some laughs in this film. But more often than not the film is an unfunny attempt to examine mindless extremism using humor.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope

The film left me with a slightly empty feeling that all Morris has accomplished is getting me to split my sides in the face of something wholly terrifying, and that's OK - even necessary - for now.
Rob Boylan-Orlando Weekly

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Watch Neds Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : Neds
Release Date :
Genre Movie :Art House & International,Drama
Mpaa Rating : PG-13

Actors :Conor McCarron,Peter Mullan,Gregg Forrest,Joe Szula,John Joe Hay,Richard Mack,Louise Goodall,Gary Milligan,Marianna Palka,Mhairi Anderson,Martin Bell,David McKay,Laurie Ventry,Linda Cuthbert,Marcus Nash

A young man discovers how hard it can be to live down the reputation your family sets for you in this powerful drama. It's 1972, and John McGill (Gregg Forrest) has just completed grade school in Glasgow. John received excellent marks and has high hopes for middle school. However, his older brother Benny (Joe Szula) is well remembered at the school as a troublemaker and the leader of a youth gang, so John finds his teachers have low expectations of him, and offer him few opportunities to prove them wrong. When John is rejected by one of his new friends, Julian (Martin Bell), because his mother believes John is beneath their station, he finds some much needed respect in the company of Fergie (John Joe Hay), a gang leader who knows of Benny's fearsome reputation. Within two years, John (now played by Conor McCarron) has transformed himself into a "NED" -- "non-educated delinquent" in the school system's lingo -- and has exceeded his teachers' worst expectations of him. John has become enough of a thug to even put fear in the heart of his father, an unstable alcoholic with a propensity for violence. NEDS was written and directed by actor turned filmmaker Peter Mullan, who also plays John's father. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi
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User Ranting Movie Neds : 3.6
User Percentage For Neds : 70 %
User Count Like for Neds : 2,806

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The casting is good throughout, but McCarron makes the movie.
Tom Long-Detroit News

A stringent street psychodrama in which brutality is an infection and every male is a carrier.
Jeannette Catsoulis-NPR

First-timer McCarron is never less than convincing as a baby-faced brute who can elicit a stranger's sympathy as easily as he can inflict devastating comeuppance.
Sheri Linden-Los Angeles Times

It's a personal, affecting and pleasingly unusual film, a little too long perhaps and unwieldy in its final stages, but never less than shocking, powerful and utterly relevant.
Dave Calhoun-Time Out

There's a sense of inevitability about things, certainly, but it seems less written in the stars than unhappily scratched onto the kerb with a flicknife by John himself.
Mayer Nissim-Digital Spy

... Despite its bold efforts to the contrary, it ultimately becomes a dehumanising experience and apology for self-ruination.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

Kudos to Peter Mullan for this fine bit of history and excellent social commentary.
Ron Wilkinson-Monsters and Critics

...echoes other classics of roiling childhood violence.
Chris Barsanti-PopMatters

Neds opens with the sort of celebratory moment that makes you think for a moment that things might be all right.
Chris Cabin-Slant Magazine

full review at Movies for the Masses
Joseph Proimakis-Movies for the Masses

Mullan is smart enough not to close his subject off; many questions remain, and true to the nature of social mobility, little is ever solved quickly.
Shaun Munro-What Culture

While it's beautifully shot in period style and features terrific performances from the largely non-professional cast, this film struggles to get us involved simply because there isn't much we can grab hold of.
Rich Cline-Shadows on the Wall

This angry film is a forceful slice of life, clearly indebted to the realism of Ken Loach, in whose My Name Is Joe Mullan starred, and to whose Kes it nods.
Philip French-Guardian [UK]

I's darkly humorous and strongly atmospheric but not especially surprising, a misjudged hallucinatory encounter with Jesus notwithstanding.
Henry Fitzherbert-Daily Express

A dark, evocative, hard-hitting piece of film-making leavened by flashes of sly wit, a great eye for period detail and a sound ear for authentic dialogue.
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman

It's arguably too long and there's a touch of self-mythologising but with compelling flashes of rage and nauseous black comedy, and some brilliant and bizarre images...
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

A slathering, rabid beast of a movie, Neds is a hellish trip through 70s Glasgow as seen through the eyes of a teenage ne'er-do-well.
David Edwards-Daily Mirror [UK]

It's an oddity in his work that he lures us into grittily realistic drama only to dilute its potency with outlandish non-realistic imagery. The humanity and seriousness of his film-making, however, have made him an unignorable force for good.
Anthony Quinn-Independent

It's usually desirable to avoid behaviour of this nature, but miss out on NEDS and you'll be kicking yourself.
Matt Stanger-The Skinny

Just when you thought British cinema was in danger of stalling in its default mode - classy crowd-pleasing, with award-worthy millinery - along comes Neds to give it a rude and vital kick up the rear.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph

Mullan somehow manages to keep the entire film literally on a knife edge.
Graham Young-Birmingham Post

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Watch And Everything Is Going Fine Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : And Everything Is Going Fine
Release Date : Dec 10, 2010 Limited
Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : Unrated

Actors :Spalding Gray

AND EVERYTHING IS GOING FINE provides an intimate look at master monologist Spalding Gray, as described by his most critical, irreverent and insightful biographer: Spalding Gray. Director Steven Soderbergh, who collaborated with Gray on the film adaptation of his celebrated Gray's Anatomy (1996), has distilled 25 years of rare and revealing footage to construct a riveting final monologue. There are glimpses of Gray's father and of his son Forrest (who provides soaring music for the end credits), but for the most part this is an inspired one-man show, a bittersweet display of the writer-performer's playful and embattled intelligence, his gift for tracking universal truths by looking himself squarely in the eye. "At the very first meeting I had with Steven to discuss making the film, he said 'I want Spalding to tell the story of Spalding,'" notes Kathleen Russo, Gray's widow and one of the producers of the film. "After that, there was no question in my mind about anyone else directing this movie. So I handed him 120 hours of Spalding footage, which became a 90-minute documentary, all told by Spalding through the eyes of Steven Soderbergh. This is a labor of love between the director, the editor, the producers and the family of Spalding Gray-a collaboration whose main goal was to have one more story be told by one of the most unique monologists of our time." Spalding Gray is most celebrated for his series of 18 monologues, including Sex and Death to the Age 14; Booze, Cars and College Girls; A Personal History of the American Theater; India and After (America); Monster in a Box; Gray's Anatomy; It's a Slippery Slope; Morning, Noon and Night and the Obie Award-winning Swimming to Cambodia. He performed with The Performance Group and The Wooster Group, and on Broadway in plays by Gore Vidal, Thornton Wilde and others. In addition to the film adaptations of his own works-among them Swimming to Cambodia, directed by Jonathan Demme, and Monster in a Box, directed by Nick Broomfield-Gray appeared in more than 40 films, including Roland Joffe's The Killing Fields; David Byrne's True Stories; Soderbergh's King of the Hill and John Boorman's Beyond Rangoon.-- (C) IFC
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User Ranting Movie And Everything Is Going Fine : 3.7
User Percentage For And Everything Is Going Fine : 69 %
User Count Like for And Everything Is Going Fine : 1,070

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New Review For Movie And Everything Is Going Fine

Soderbergh's editing neatly duplicates Gray's methods, showing us how memory treats the same material at different stages in a life, applying those different coats and shades of lacquer.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

This was obviously a labor of love for Soderbergh, and a fitting memorial to the artist.
Walter V. Addiego-San Francisco Chronicle

A brilliantly conceived documentary, one with uncommon respect for -- and understanding of -- its subject's life and art.
Dan Kois-Washington Post

This is not a standard bio-documentary. It is the artist giving us a guided tour of himself, through a mosaic of clips from his shows and TV interviews, craftily assembled by Soderbergh.
Misha Berson-Seattle Times

You're left with as rich a sense of this man as you would in a more typical work of nonfiction. But the film's deceptive, meticulous editing also reveals that Gray's odd ambition met a cultural moment in which it could take root and thrive.
Wesley Morris-Boston Globe

Think of the film as Gray's final monologue.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

it's as painful to listen to and watch as it is astonishing that I should feel this kind of connection to someone I never met, and never will.
Walter Chaw-Film Freak Central

It's all quite deeply moving, and if you remain untouched by the end credits, you have some self-examination of your own to do.
Christopher Long-Movie Metropolis

allows Gray to speak of his life and its significance entirely in his own words without any intrusive talking heads or academic pontification
James Kendrick-Q Network Film Desk

Soderbergh's creation doesn't fill in any blanks about Gray, and the film is not for the uninitiated, but even ardent fans will have trouble warming up to every detail.
Liz Braun-Jam! Movies

Gray ended his life in January 2004, but director Steven Soderbergh and editor Susan Littenberg have resurrected the beloved actor and monologuist in a sort of performance collage.
Norman Wilner-NOW Toronto

A tangible emotional aspect and lovely quality of And Everything is Going Fine is that of a friend trying to understand the process that led to a loved-one's suicide.

An absorbing, entertaining, amusing and wrenching film in which Gray tells the story of his entire life in a cleverly edited string of clips from various performances and interviews filmed over nearly 40 years.
Shawn Levy-Oregonian

The late Spalding Gray is the subject of this conceptual documentary, which cleverly uses the actor-performer's own biographical monologues to tell his life story. It's so well-assembled that we really feel like we get to know him in the process.
Rich Cline-Shadows on the Wall

It provides little insight into the actor/writer/playwright/monologuist's life that Gray does not provide himself.
Eugenia Williamson-Boston Phoenix

No stone is left unturned with the copious interviews assembled over the years interspersed with the one-man shows. This is a heart-felt documentary that needs to be seen.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews

What the director does best is move back and forth between funny stage deadly serious discussion of the stories's underpinnings...
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews

touching, funny, tragic, heartening
Chris incomplete portrait, but...a thoroughly arresting one for sure.
Bill Gibron-PopMatters

Absorbing documentary on the career of actor, storyteller, and performance artist, Spalding Gray.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

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Watch Peepli Live Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : Peepli Live
Release Date : Aug 13, 2010 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama,Art House & International,Comedy
Mpaa Rating : Unrated

Actors :Omkar Das,Raghubir Yadav,Nawazuddin Siddiqui,Shalini Vatsa,Farrukh Jaffar,Malaika Shenoy,Vishal Sharma,Yugal Kishore,Sitaram Panchal,Naseeruddin Shah,Nowaz,Riz Ahmed,Omkar Das Manikpuri,Aamir Bashir,Arsher Ali,Farukh Jaffer,Nigel Lindsay,Vishal O. Sharma,Kayvan Novak,Onkar Das

A simple man learns he might be better off dead, at least financially, in this satiric comedy from Indian filmmaker Anusha Rizvi. Natha (Omkar Das Manikpuri) and Budhia (Raghubir Yadav) are two brothers who run a family farm in Peepli, a small town in India. Business has been bad on the farm, and the brothers are unable to repay a government loan, with a default judgment due any day. When the brothers call on a local politician to ask if anything can be done while they wait for a judge's ruling on their case, he facetiously suggests that one of them could commit suicide, since the government would pay benefits to the surviving family members. Natha doesn't realize the official is joking and volunteers to kill himself, while a television reporter overhears the conversation and immediately puts the story on the air. Soon a handful of newsmen have shown up at Natha's house, waiting to find out if the farmer will indeed kill himself, and before long it seems as if most of the nation is watching, with everyone sharing their opinions on Natha and his dilemma. The story is a boon to the news media but bad for the local politicians, who are standing for re-election that day as folks stay away from the polls to follow Natha's story. As everyone from Natha's son to the proverbial man on the street weighs in on what he should do, the farmer wonders if suicide really is the last, best way he can help his loved ones. Peepli Live received its North American premiere at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi
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User Ranting Movie Peepli Live : 3.7
User Percentage For Peepli Live : 71 %
User Count Like for Peepli Live : 2,708

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New Review For Movie Peepli Live

A fitfully amusing Indian comedy that touches on a hot-button topic.
Rachel Saltz-New York Times

You can't decide whether to laugh because the events are so absurd or cry because you can imagine them really happening.
V.A. Musetto-New York Post

I liked Peepli Live, which is colorful and at times quite lively, but I wish it were funnier and its satirical edge a bit sharper.
G. Allen Johnson-San Francisco Chronicle

Manages to mine substantial dark humor from this tragic situation while offering pointed -- and sometimes poignant -- social commentary in the process.
Gary Goldstein-Los Angeles Times

Both a heartfelt and a genuinely funny skewering of India's convoluted caste-consciousness.
Eric Hynes-Time Out New York

It's an unusual taste of mainstream Indian cinema, unexpectedly irreverent with an earthier, folkier soundtrack than the typical Bollywood electro-bounce.
Aaron Hillis-Village Voice

A better writer than director, the strength of Rizvi's 'Peepli Live' is the film's unsentimental portrayal of the poor
John Esther-UR Chicago Magazine

Thousands of poor farmers kill themselves every year in India and it was audacious of writer-director Anusha Rizvi to make a comedy out of the fact with her first film.
Derek Malcolm-This is London

You can't fault the crusading spirit of this controversial Bollywood satire, just the blunt, one-note, entirely obvious execution.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph

There is a deadly serious message about India's rural/urban divide in first-timer director Anusha Rizvi's satirical gem, but it also happens to have a juicily vulgar streak.
Cath Clarke-Guardian [UK]

Drawing on India's rural-versus-urban divide, Rizvi spins a dynamic, enjoyably-acted yarn that balances farcical humour with a satisfying seriousness.
Tom Dawson-Total Film

While the tone may shift from satire to farce at times, this is a highly assured debut by Rizvi.
Anna Smith-Empire Magazine

It's a worthy film. A little less worthiness and a little more sharply weaponised wit would have helped.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

Rizvi keeps the humour broad (this doesn't have the metropolitan sharp sophistication of Chris Morris) but the premise is so strong that pithy satirical points are neatly scored.
Tim Evans-Sky Movies

This is a movie that opens with the hero puking, and spends the rest of its running time showing why that may be the only sane response to the state of the world.
Noel Murray-AV Club

The juxtaposition of the tragedy and the lunacy of the circumstances are not completely disparate; satire is an appropriate weapon here, but it's the drama in Peepi Live that truly resonates.
Tim Cogshell-Boxoffice Magazine

A poignant soaicl satire, with some elements of a funny screwball comedy about contemporary life in India, its greedy media, complex politics, and diverse populace.
Emanuel Levy-EmanuelLevy.Com

Broad, entertaining satire, with heartfelt pleas, on the difficulties for the farmers and those who try to help them.
Nora Lee

Its comical, sharply observant caricatures of India's political and media jackals offers a much-needed reality check in a country where celluloid escapism is too often the rule.
Jay Antani-Moving Pictures Magazine

I just wish what [Rizvi] had to tell us about the India of today might have taken a form less distractingly reminiscent of the American classics of yesteryear.
Michelle Orange-Movieline

A satisfying and searing satire on the plight of poor farmers in India and the lack of sympathy or understanding of them by the rich and the powerful who have their own plans for national progress.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat-Spirituality and Practice

Takes a deep look at an everyday tragedy and provides the humorous dimension that underscores the pathos. Who says Bollywood is only interested in lightweight romantic musicals?
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

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Watch The Illusionist (L'illusionniste) Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : The Illusionist (L'illusionniste)
Release Date : Dec 25, 2010 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama,Animation,Art House & International,Comedy
Mpaa Rating : PG

Actors :Jean-Claude Donda,Eilidh Rankin,Duncan MacNeil,Raymond Mearns

The Illusionist is one of a dying breed of stage entertainers. With emerging rock stars stealing his thunder in the late 1950s, he is forced to accept increasingly obscure assignments in fringe theatres, at garden parties and in bars and cafés. Then, while performing in a village pub off the west coast of Scotland, he encounters Alice, an innocent young girl, who will change his life forever. Watching his performance for the excited villagers who are celebrating the arrival of electricity on their remote island, Alice is awestruck by his show and believes his tricks are real magic. Though they don‟t speak the same language, the two lonely strangers quickly bond through small kindnesses. Fascinated by The Illusionist, Alice stows away on his departing ship and follows him to Edinburgh. There, they quickly fall into a father - daughter relationship, with Alice keeping their home at a boarding house for vaudevillians, while he goes to work in a small local theatre. Enchanted by her enthusiasm for his act, The Illusionist rewards Alice with increasingly lavish gifts he has 'conjured' into existence. Desperate not to disappoint her, he cannot bring himself to reveal that magic does not exist and that he‟s driving himself to ruin working all night jobs to buy her gifts. As The Illusionist grows older, Alice grows up. She falls in love with a young man and is no longer so enchanted by The Illusionist‟s conjuring. She moves on with her life, and The Illusionist no longer has to pretend. Untangled from his own web of deceit, he resumes his life as a much wiser man. -- (C) Sony Pictures Classics
You can watching The Illusionist (L'illusionniste) Full Movie Online From HERE

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User Ranting Movie The Illusionist (L'illusionniste) : 3.8
User Percentage For The Illusionist (L'illusionniste) : 78 %
User Count Like for The Illusionist (L'illusionniste) : 14,795

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New Review For Movie The Illusionist (L'illusionniste)

The film ends on a note of graceful, heartbreaking beauty that Tati would have admired for its lack of sentimentality. A lot of what precedes that ending, though, is precious and slight and a little too fanciful.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

This is a remarkable movie: lovely, slow-paced and almost silent, rich with pathos and deft comic gestures.
Amy Biancolli-Houston Chronicle

The Illusionistis magical in more ways than one.
Chris Vognar-Dallas Morning News

The story has enough sentimental schmaltz to grease a locomotive.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

A lovely appreciation of Tati and a loving, bittersweet look at the end of the 1950s, before entertainers like the magician of the title were displaced by rock bands and other more visceral acts.
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic

A French import that's long on grace notes and wry humor, it eschews flash and opts for heart to great effect.
Tom Long-Detroit News

Pictures speak louder than words, and what 'The Illusionist' speaks loudest about is the notion that what we do for a living is not nearly as important as how we choose to do our living.
Al Alexander-The Patriot Ledger

Hand drawn animation that is as soft and charming as the film itself.
Roger Moore-Movie Nation

Director Sylvain Chomet manages to rouse a lot of smirks and smiles through the small nuance and inferences that were Tati's signature.
Jim Schembri-The Age (Australia)

Whilst they hardly say a word, I felt much sorrow for these two lonely characters and the changing world in which they find themselves.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

Funny, sweet, nostalgic and ultimately heartbreaking.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy

Chomet makes good use of incidental showbiz characters, acrobats and ventriloquist in particular. He also includes some spectacular sweeps of urban scapes, revelling in the mastery of his craft
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

The exquisite illustrative signature style of Sylvain Chomet leaves a haunting impression in this whimsical tale about an illusionist who delights a young girl with magic
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

... A glorious revival of the neglected art of near silent comedy.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

It gets a little too submerged in pathos for its own good sometimes, though, and could use a little more humor with its nostalgic tone, [but it's] an expressive and lovely film.

... a delicate and delightful piece of old-fashioned hand-drawn animation where character is in body language and personality in the "performance."

Mostly worth seeing for its elegant "old school" cels. However, the relationship between the elderly magician and the girl who tags along with him is never very moving despite all the intentions of the screenwriter and director.

A beautifully crafted, nevertheless slight animated feature.
John Wirt-Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA)

A remarkably uncomplicated story -- a beautifully uncomplicated story, really -- about the love between daddies and their little girls.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

To give Tati his posthumous chance to express a very sad story may have been Chomet's only true course, and, to be honest, the film is beautifully, thoughtfully realized.
Jeffrey Chen-Window to the Movies

The story is rather cold and uninvolving, but the very look of the movie is striking and never dull.
Jim Lane-Sacramento News & Review

So wistful it just about dissolves as you watch it
Fernando F. Croce-CinePassion

Silence has rarely been so telling.
Anders Wotzke-Moviedex

Like Chomet's "The Triplets of Belleville," it's a lovingly crafted animated film that invites the audience to luxuriate in the hand-painted visuals, to chuckle at the small jokes stuffed into the corners of the film.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI) its antique colored light and the stubborn persistence of its uncomputerized 2-D, [it] evokes a quality of feeling that Toy Story 3 did not ... It's not just that we outgrow our toys ...sometimes the world outgrows us...
Philip Martin-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The Illusionist is the next best thing to a new Tati movie.
Mark Pfeiffer-Reel Times: Reflections on Cinema

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