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Movie Title : Budrus
Release Date : Oct 8, 2010 Limited
Genre Movie :Documentary,Drama,Action & Adventure,Art House & International,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : Unrated

Actors :Riyad Deis,Ayed Morrar,Iltezam Morrar,Kobi Snitz,Yasmine Levy,Ahmed Awwad,Doron Spielman

Ayed Morrar, an unlikely community organizer, unites Palestinians from all political factions and Israelis to save his village from destruction by Israel's Separation Barrier. Victory seems improbable until his 15-year-old daughter, Iltezam, launches a women's contingent that quickly moves to the front lines. Struggling side by side, father and daughter unleash an inspiring, yet little-known movement in the Occupied Palestinian Territories that is still gaining ground today. In an action-filled documentary chronicling this movement from its infancy, Budrus shines a light on people who choose nonviolence to confront a threat yet remain virtually unknown to the world. -- (C) Balcony Releasing
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User Percentage For Budrus : 93 %
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This all goes on until Bacha either runs out of budget, patience or film, and ends up cutting to the somewhat positive results.
Tom Long-Detroit News

No one can believe that "Budrus" is showing us the key to peace in the Middle East. But any positive note about this most intractable of conflicts should be savored.
Walter V. Addiego-San Francisco Chronicle

Bacha, who worked on the impressive 2004 documentary "Control Room," does well to focus on one tiny town and its leading citizens; "Budrus" is at its best when she keeps the scale small.
John Hartl-Seattle Times

Uncertain which approach to use, the filmmakers try a little of everything: sit-down interviews, in-the-moment footage, sentimental close-ups. A patient, on-the-ground approach would mostly have sufficed. But the movie is fascinating anyway.
Wesley Morris-Boston Globe

For those who despair of ever seeing peace in the Middle East, Budrus offers both sobering and cheering evidence that progress is possible.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

What's most gratifying about Budrus is that the film enables us to feel some of the same emotions the participants experienced.
Kenneth Turan-Los Angeles Times

An intense, albeit one-sided, documentary on location during demonstrations by the Palestinians in the village of Budrus against Israeli encroachments.
Harvey S. Karten-Modamag.com

Using straight-to-camera interviews and circa-2003 footage of the confrontations between villagers and Israeli soldiers, Columbia University-educated, Brazilian filmmaker Julia Bacha has made a film that will stick in the craw of hardliners.
James Verniere-Boston Herald

Bacha's film has a naive charm that fits well with the simple goals of the people, who were just asking that they be allowed to continue raising their kids and making a living in the place where they grew up.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press

Simply shot and straightforward in its argument, this film from Brazilian documentarian Julia Bacha is an agitprop rallying cry for Palestinians living in the West Bank's Occupied Territories.
Gerald Peary-Boston Phoenix

A superlative introduction to the realities of Palestinian suffering and resistance.
Louis Proyect-rec.arts.movies.reviews

Budrus is passionately, more-than-competently made, but it's a civics lesson that doesn't quite shake you to your core.
Chuck Bowen-Slant Magazine

Closely follows remarkable story, from many viewpoints, of [a] community . . . creat[ing] an unusual paradigm for nonviolent protest . . .where most think that's impossible.
Nora Lee Mandel-Film-Forward.com

A brave and illuminating documentary about a landmark 2003 nonviolent protest movement in a small Palestinian town against Israel's Separation Barrier.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat-Spirituality and Practice

You can scarcely believe the foolishness of the Israeli authorities, but you never get the sense that the film is taking sides.
Derek Malcolm-This is London

If you want a real film about women changing history, try the documentary Budrus.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

The people of Budrus, and their choice of peaceful protest, can only be admired.
Liz Haycroft-Little White Lies

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Watch Poetry Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : Poetry
Release Date : Feb 11, 2011 Limited
Genre Movie :Art House & International,Drama
Mpaa Rating : Unrated

Actors :Yun Junghee,Lee David,Kim Hara,An Naesang,David Lee,Kim Hi-Ra,Jeong-hie Yun,Yoon Jeong-hee,Nae-sang Ahn,Da-wit Lee,Yong-taek Kim

A sixty-something woman, faced with a crippling medical diagnosis and the discovery of a heinous family crime, finds strength and purpose when she enrolls in a poetry class. Lee Chang-dong's follow-up to his acclaimed Secret Sunshine is a masterful study of the subtle empowerment - and moral compass - of an elderly woman. -- (C) Kino Unrated
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True to the title, writer-director Lee Chang-dong is principally concerned with rendering emotions that seem inexpressible.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader

Those with an eye for reading between the lines can find layers of meaning.
Maggie Lee-Hollywood Reporter

A deceptively gentle tale with a tender ache at its center, as well as a performance from Yun Jung-hee that lingers long in the memory.
Justin Chang-Variety

Anyone who starts a film going to poetry classes is eventually going to come up with a poem. The one Mija finally delivers will rip your heart to shreds.
David Jenkins-Time Out

Writer and director Chang-dong Lee's film is moving without ever stooping to melodrama; Yun is the main reason why.
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic

"Poetry" is daring in the ways only quiet, unhurried but finally haunting films have the courage to be.
Kenneth Turan-Los Angeles Times

Lee is concerned with beauty in much the same way a philosopher might be -- its transcendent nature, its presence in nearly everything.
Michael Nordine-Film Threat

A valiant and touching psychodrama about an aging woman who takes on the challenge of writing her first poem from the experiences that stir her heart.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat-Spirituality and Practice

A beautifully acted, deeply moving tale that brings a lump to the throat.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express

A fascinating, satisfying film with a remarkable central performance.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

In the way of good cinema, the full experience is entirely unsentimental and poetic.
Derek Malcolm-This is London

It is a picture of something inexpressibly gentle and sad, something heartbreaking and absolutely normal, but something stirred up by a violent, alien incursion.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

Beautifully shot, brilliantly written and featuring a terrific lead performance from Yun Jung-hee, this is a thought provoking, emotionally engaging drama that would make a superb double bill with Bong Joon-ho's Mother.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon

How many times have we seen the components of this plot? The crimes of the young; the trials of the old; the lone individual fighting for truth and decency. But they were never mixed like this before.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

What makes Poetry so involving is that it's never clear how the story will be resolved.
Sukhdev Sandhu-Daily Telegraph

From Alzheimer's, rape and suicide, Lee has created real poetry.
Anton Bitel-Little White Lies

Yoon's performance, nuanced and subtle, is superb, while the film is long and languid so adjustments and allowances must be made both for its pace and, at times, for its poetry. But the effort is well worth it.
David Aldridge-Radio Times

[Yun Jung-hee's] quiet gestures, gentle gaze and tender pose transform themselves into stanzas as they rhyme with Lee's cinema.
Julian Ross-Electric Sheep

Devoid of the ultra-violence so often associated with Korean cinema, Poetry is quiet and unhurried, making its portrait of social bleakness all the more impactful.
Carmen Gray-Total Film

Well-crafted and compelling, if a little inaccessible to western audiences...
Anna Smith-Empire Magazine

Sensitive, almost to a fault, Lee Chang Dong's Poetry is a well-observed but minor effort from one of the top Korean filmmakers.
Jeremy Heilman-MovieMartyr.com

Poetry possesses a lyrical delicateness that marks it as something special, different and thought-provoking.
Brent Simon-Shockya.com

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Watch Kites Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : Kites
Release Date : May 21, 2010 Wide
Genre Movie :Drama,Action & Adventure,Romance,Mystery & Suspense
Mpaa Rating : PG

Actors :Hrithik Roshan,Barbara Mori,Kangana Ranaut,Kabir Bedi,Nicholas Brown

A passionate affair leads to danger and excitement for two young lovers with nothing to lose. J (Hrithik Roshan) was left to die in the Mexican desert. Handsome and resourceful, he's one step ahead of certain death when Natasha (Bárbara Mori) blows into his life like an electrical storm. In a flash, he's smitten. Somehow, despite the deep cultural and language barriers that separate them, J and Natasha form a powerful connection. But Natasha is engaged to another man, a powerful figure who's none too pleased that his prize got away, and who would rather see her dead than in the arms of another man. Perhaps if J and Natasha can just manage to escape, they can find a place to start over, and begin a new life together. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
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The pulp is served thick, with so much sincerely purple passion it's disarming.
Owen Gleiberman-Entertainment Weekly

It's a film that proves the concept "overwrought" is the same in every language.
Nick Schager-Time Out New York

The result is a lovers-on-the-lam blast of pure pulp escapism, so devoted to diversion that you probably wonâ(TM)t even notice the corn.
Jeannette Catsoulis-New York Times

Kites morphs into an action picture, complete with unfathomable chase scenes and a Thelma & Louise ending that is laugh-out-loud hilarious.
Manuel Mendoza-Dallas Morning News

It tells a simple story -- an almost archetypal story -- but it does so with a lot of passion and technical sophistication.
Mick LaSalle-San Francisco Chronicle

An intense, exciting and highly entertaining film.
Bruce Demara-Toronto Star

a straight-to-video tale that somehow mysteriously managed to find its way to the silver screen.
Todd Gilchrist-Cinematical

Not even the incoherent mishmash of plot...can entirely dim the appeal of this match-up between a blue-eyed Punjabi and a blue-eyed Mexican of almost equal comeliness.
David Chute-L.A. Weekly

Kites is an aromatic, cinematic Indian mutton stew -- if that sounds different from usual movie fare, it is. It's a Bollywood mixture of romance, violence, action, music, and differing cultures and languages. Kites flutters and plummets.
Tony Macklin-tonymacklin.net

To anyone versed in Bollywood conventions, it's a natural outgrowth of the genre, and a comically overwrought but still generally fun time.
Steven Hyden-AV Club

Often terrible, yet completely engrossing film from Indian director Anurag Basu.
Tim Cogshell-Boxoffice Magazine

A lush, lavish Bollywood-meets-Hollywood fantasy, available for viewing in both a shorter and longer version, courtesy of Brett Ratner.
Susan Granger-SSG Syndicate

By the third act, you find the characters and story growing on you and the romance, despite the histrionics, moving.
Annlee Ellingson-Moving Pictures Magazine

Kites is, essentially, a love story. With exploding cars.
Liz Braun-Jam! Movies

Director Basu also has a tendency to backlight scenes, giving them epic, otherworldly glows that become all the more distracting with their increasing predictability.
Marjorie Baumgarten-Austin Chronicle

A weird fusion of romantic excess, overwrought violence and crudely-staged action, all played to the rafters, filmed in garish colors and accompanied by a bombastic background score.
Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion

There are many words that could be used to describe "Kites" in a review--indeed, even the trusty Oxford English Dictionary almost seems inadequate for such a task--but "boring" is most definitely not one of them.
Peter Sobczynski-eFilmCritic.com

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Watch Joan Rivers: A Piece Of Work Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : Joan Rivers: A Piece Of Work
Release Date : Jun 11, 2010 Wide
Genre Movie :Documentary,Television,Comedy
Mpaa Rating : R

Actors :Joan Rivers,Jocelyn Pickett,Billy Sammeth,Kathy Griffin,Dr. Joy Browne,Melissa Rivers,Kate Forrester,Joe Castagna,Jon Stewart,Richard Belzer,Denis Leary,Garry Shandling,Lily Tomlin,Bill Maher,Brad Garrett,Greg Giraldo,Jeffrey Ross,Don Rickles,David Muir

Joan Rivers launched her career as a standup comic in the early '60s, a time when female comedians were few and far between, and after several years of working nightclubs to unresponsive audiences, she was booked on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson in 1965 and soon became one of the most successful comedy acts in the nation. Since then, Rivers has hosted several TV talk shows, written best-selling books, directed a feature film, launched a line of jewelry, and kept up a busy schedule of personal appearances, determined to hold on to her stardom regardless of the fickle winds of show business. Filmmakers Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg followed Rivers through a typically eventful year in her life, and in Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work, they offer a look at the woman behind the laughter as she struggles to stay in the spotlight, works on new material, launches a one-woman show in the United Kingdom that doesn't fare as well as she hopes, takes a chance as a participant on a reality TV show, and ponders her career in show business at the age of 75. Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work received its world premiere at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi
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User Ranting Movie Joan Rivers: A Piece Of Work : 3.7
User Percentage For Joan Rivers: A Piece Of Work : 77 %
User Count Like for Joan Rivers: A Piece Of Work : 11,678

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This behind the scenes, behind the makeup, behind the plastic surgery documentary catches Rivers hard at work, ridiculously hard at work.
Roger Moore-Orlando Sentinel

The new documentary on Joan Rivers is so in your face, so fraught with harrowing, oversized personal stuff, you might want to get a theatre seat a couple of rows behind where you normally sit, to safely take it all in.
Stephen Cole-Globe and Mail

Welcome to the on-screen psychoanalysis of Joan Rivers, of which she seems equal parts willing participant and antagonist.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

Acting is about honesty, and there's something evasive about both this film and its subject.
Joe Williams-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

A compulsively watchable look at Rivers, show business and the price one pays to try to continue succeeding in it.
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic

Rivers comes across as someone much more complex and vulnerable than her abrasive "Can we talk?" persona. There's a real woman under there, and she's pretty great.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

Laugh clown, laugh. Even though your heart is breaking...
Felix Vasquez Jr.-Cinema Crazed

Rivers' story is an inspiration, regardless of your background. If there is anyone who is aspiring to be in the entertainment industry, this is the doc to watch. Joan Rivers' life is the blueprint for any artist, comedienne, or actor.
Clay Cane-BET.com

[A] sad, startling exploration of the vagaries of fame, the insecurities of celebrity, and the realities behind the typical 'but it's just a joke' excuses that prop up cheap, vulgar humor.
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

This is a woman who's taken any number of private and public punches and keeps on going. The portrait here is neither flattering nor unsympathetic.
Rob Gonsalves-eFilmCritic.com

...a well made, sporadically fascinating documentary...
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

I had no idea how hard she works and how funny she is. Show business may be easy for some people, but it is tough for Joan Rivers.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope

If you want an insight into human nature, stand up comedy and stand up comedians are a great looking glass, as long as you're prepared for all that pain. All great comedy is cruel, and Joan Rivers does cruel really well
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

I laughed, I cried and I was inspired. Delivering far more than you expect, this knock-out doco spits out the essence of Joan Rivers, who admits she is only truly happy when she's on stage
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

"A Piece of Work" displays a comedian who is much savvier, much more vulnerable and frankly much funnier than we usually see on the small screen.
Rob Thomas-Wisconsin State Journal

This is a fiercely intelligent, maniacally driven, crushingly funny comedian who comes across as less a human being than a sentient career.
Josh Larsen-LarsenOnFilm

Unvarnished documentary.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

The film shows that she is vulnerable, professionally calculating and, except for the people who work for her, alone.
Duane Dudek-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

...you may not come away from Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg's (blisteringly funny) chronicle of a year in the life of the comedian ... liking Joan Rivers, much less understanding her, but by gosh this movie is going to force you to respect her.
Philip Martin-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The audience will feel like a fly on the wall in a no-holds-barred approach in which no topic is off limits. The filmmakers condensed more than a year of footage into 84 fascinating minutes...
Keith Cohen-Entertainment Spectrum

Joan Rivers the comedian can be an acquired taste. It gets old hearing her asking celebrities on the red carpet "Who are you wearing?" Joan Rivers the human being, however, is a fascinating person to follow.
Dan Lybarger-eFilmCritic.com

The key word here is "work." If she isn't out there making somebody laugh, Rivers feels she no longer exists.
Robert W. Butler-Kansas City Star

One of the most depressing films ever made.
Phil Hall-Film Threat

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Watch Please Give Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : Please Give
Release Date : Apr 30, 2010 Wide
Genre Movie :Comedy
Mpaa Rating : R

Actors :Catherine Keener,Oliver Platt,Amanda Peet,Rebecca Hall,Sarah Steele,Ann Morgan Guilbert,Thomas Ian Nicholas

A family looking for some extra space gets drawn into a difficult relationship with the folks next door in this comedy drama from writer and director Nicole Holofcener. Kate (Catherine Keener) and Alex (Oliver Platt) are a couple living in New York City who run a successful store specializing in vintage furniture. Kate and Alex have a teenage daughter, Abby (Sarah Steele) and their apartment is starting to feel a bit small for the three of them; Kate and Alex own the unit next door to them, and once the flat becomes vacant, they plan to knock out a wall and take over the space. However, Andra (Ann Morgan Guilbert), their tenant, is an elderly woman with a poor disposition who doesn't seem eager to go anywhere soon, and it's occurred to Kate and Alex that they're probably going to have wait for her to die, since evicting her would be very awkward. Hoping to make the best of the situation, Kate tries to strike up a friendship with Andra and her fiercely protective granddaughter Rebecca (Rebecca Hall), but Andra isn't especially interested in making new friends, and Rebecca's sister, Mary (Amanda Peet), isn't much easier to deal with. Kate and Alex are also struggling to communicate with Abby, who has her own issues regarding self-image. Please Give received its world premiere at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi
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User Ranting Movie Please Give : 3.4
User Percentage For Please Give : 61 %
User Count Like for Please Give : 11,079

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Keener has become Holofcener's artistic alter ego. In Please Give, the sharp-eyed filmmaker sends her vibrant representative out into the world to explore what it means for a woman to be lucky and still feel itchy.
Lisa Schwarzbaum-Entertainment Weekly

Nicole Holofcener, who writes the most interesting female characters in the movies, delivers another dazzling role to her muse, Catherine Keener, in Please Give, a delightfully dry dramedy about guilt.
Roger Moore-Orlando Sentinel

Life-goes-on movies usually don't electrify the senses, but this one stimulates moral imagination.
David Denby-New Yorker

Nicole Holofcener's lovely Please Give is a small, modest movie, full of the sort of characters we might know, or be.
Moira MacDonald-Seattle Times

Holofcener's biggest ally against nauseating self-pity is Keener, her screen alter ego.
Cath Clarke-Time Out

Happily, the joy outweighs the guilt.
Tom Long-Detroit News

You have to be smart and funny and really aware of yourself to write and direct a film like this, which is exactly what director Nicole Holofcener is.
Dave White-Movies.com

Doesn't have much plot, just characters interacting and developing, and its lack of a need for drama is refreshing.
Jeffrey Chen-ReelTalk Movie Reviews

Its conclusions are thoughtful and non-judgmental; satisfying even if it pulls a few punches.
Jason Di Rosso-MovieTime, ABC Radio National

Holofcener takes pretty much everything you're not supposed to talk about at a dinner party and spins it into a ruefully awkward, bone-dry comedy.
Alice Tynan-Concrete Playground

The film is more emotionally incisive than it initially appears to be, but equally it ties together a little too neatly when it already has such a concise running time.
Craig Mathieson-sbs.com.au

Keener never lets us lose sight of something possibly redeemable about Kate, a move which ultimately saves her performance from lapsing into an easy social caricature.
Leigh Paatsch-Herald Sun (Australia)

Please Give isn't laugh-out-loud funny, it is witty and clever-a pleasing tale where not much happens, but spending time with the film's characters is enough.
Beth Wilson-Trespass

The main problem with the film, though, is that it seems to assume that self-obsessed and charmless people are automatically interesting - just for being people. There's definitely a flaw in that logic.
Mark Demetrius-FILMINK (Australia)

It's involving and often gripping with wonderful performances by a top cast, although the sum of its parts is less than the story as a whole
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

The film lives at that uneasy intersection between affluence and compassion, where the well-meaning well-to-do try to figure out how much of their wealth they need to give away to make a difference.
Rob Thomas-Wisconsin State Journal

Writer-director Nicole Holofcener seems to get better with every film, and now she's cruising along the well-trodden path of neurotic New Yorker comedy-drama with grace and comely confidence.
Jonathan Kiefer-Sacramento News & Review

Please Give is quintessential Holofcener -- a loopy, episodic ensemble story of women dealing with marriage, money and men, but it's also her smartest, most disciplined movie to date.
Gary Thompson-Philadelphia Daily News

Keener, one of the most reliably entertaining actresses currently working, specializes in sardonic, flawed characters -- a perfect fit for Holofcener's image of the modern American woman.
Eric D. Snider-EricDSnider.com

Holofcener writes, and helps to shape on-screen, characters we often don't even like, and what do we do? We invite them home with us. Talk about a soft touch.
Stephanie Zacharek-Movieline

A stroll with these characters is a refreshing break from from the usual film exercises.
Marjorie Baumgarten-Austin Chronicle

The acting quality is strong, especially from the ever-reliable Catherine Keener as Kate, but it's almost impossible to care about her character's dilemmas.
Amber Wilkinson-Eye for Film

Wryly humane
Fernando F. Croce-CinePassion

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Watch Armadillo Full Movie Online HD

Movie Title : Armadillo
Release Date : Apr 15, 2011 Limited
Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : Unrated

Actors :Ronnie Fridthjof,Sara Stockmann

ARMADILLO is an astute exploration of the culture of war. Director Janus Metz follows Danish soldiers fighting the Taliban in the Helmand province of southern Afghanistan with sophisticated visual artistry rarely achieved under such raw conditions. Building his film around the characters within the platoon, Metz allows us to witness how war transforms the different personalities, and the group, approaching his subjects with an intimacy equal to that of fiction. The active military base "Armadillo" houses a mix of 170 Danish and British soldiers in the ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) who are responsible for providing security to the surrounding area and eliminating the Taliban insurgency. Metz follows his subjects through an entire tour of duty, creating an unforgettable portrait of the reality of military life on the front lines. Documenting both the boredom and horror of warfare, Metz shows us the soldiers playing video games and laughing at pornography, struggling to communicate with disillusioned civilians, and killing a group of Taliban soldiers found hiding in a trench. The film avoids judgments for or against the war, and instead shows the soldiers struggling to maintain their humanity in a world filled with violence.-- (c) New Yorker
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User Ranting Movie Armadillo : 3.8
User Percentage For Armadillo : 80 %
User Count Like for Armadillo : 3,542

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Lets the soldiers tell their stories by the way they live day-to-day during their tour of duty.
Linda Barnard-Toronto Star

When the bombs go off and the bullets start flying, Metz and his cameraman provide a real-life vision of what a hurt locker is really all about.
Ray Bennett-Hollywood Reporter

It's alluring to watch.
Wesley Morris-Boston Globe

The movie's strength and audacity comes from the Danish soldiers, who confront civilians with wariness or bluntness, exalt in their victories and hesitantly exhibit fear in each others' company.
Joe Neumaier-New York Daily News

There's little new in "Armadillo."
V.A. Musetto-New York Post

A mesmerizing, beautiful and terrifying documentary that can stand among the greatest war movies ever made.
Andrew O'Hehir-Salon.com

One of the best war films in years.
Christopher Campbell-Movies.com

Beautifully (and scarily) filmed and deeply moving.
Liz Braun-Jam! Movies

Armadillo shows us things we haven't seen before.
Norman Wilner-NOW Toronto

Aficionados of the first-person format will be salivating over the footage captured by Metz and his cinematographer Lars Skree.
Simon Foster-sbs.com.au

Armadillo is a harsh, honest document about men at war - any war.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews

...a mostly new twist to consider the Allies who support the U.S. effort - if it is heartbreaking for American families to send their youth to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, imagine how it must feel for the Danes.
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews

A must-see for those not afraid of seeing and hearing a true statement of the horrors of war.
Ron Wilkinson-Monsters and Critics

War doc sets itself apart with skilled storytelling
Marty Mapes-Movie Habit

Metz captures and weaves together striking images with great craft. The actual hell of an actual war has never been so beautifully rendered.
Shawn Levy-Oregonian

You may be sick of war films about Afghanistan by now, but Armadillo's boldly objective take on the situation shouldn't be missed.
Sean Gandert-Paste Magazine

The film doesn't sit in judgment, but it does broaden our understanding of what's happening behind enemy lines - and behind the headlines.
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman

Armadillo alternates between scenes of tedium on base and wildly dangerous raids, with the inadvertent effect that viewers get hungry for a little combat to alleviate the monotony.
Vadim Rizov-Boxoffice Magazine

Made with the visual polish and dramatic intensity of a fictional feature, Armadillo is a significant addition to the documentaries on the war on terror.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express

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